Friday, March 6, 2009

Why do I need to attend a seminar?

Many people have asked this question and are wondering why they need to know all this "stuff"

My answer is that many things are passed down the family line. For instance when a baby is born, we say he has Dad's looks or Mum's eyes. So it is in the spiritual. Blessings are passed down and we can see that so clearly. However curses can be passed down too. That can be seen mainly in infirmites i.e. cancer , diabetes etc. but hidden curses are passed down too i.e. poverty.

Freemasonry is witchcraft, and oaths are taken at each degree, and with these come curses. In the seminar I expose the curses and the negative attachments that come with them. Len & I have seen people healed when these curses are recognised and repented of.

In the seminar I also deal with the occult and how it is invading our society through some of the organisations people belong to, and even one of the bible versions that uses occult wording throughout.

There is a time for questions and answers during the seminar, and also times can be set for a private (free) ministry session at a later date, if there has been involvement in any of the areas mentioned

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